Cold Reading Success

Expert Training & Information About Cold Reading

Cold reading is the most exciting, most persuasive psychological communication technique in the world!
My name is Ian Rowland (though I'm also known as 'The Cold Reading Guy'). I love cold reading and show people how to use it for business, social and professional purposes.
Do you want to become an expert cold reader? It's useful, you won't regret it and it's also good fun. I offer the very best training you can find (online or in person). It's only £70 per hour and you'll have a skill you can use for the rest of your life. Check it out here.
What I Teach
I teach two flavours of cold reading. See Classes and Training for details and videos.
'Cold Reading For Business' is about applying cold reading psychology to business and professional communications. I know that sounds strange, but it's really useful. It's about rapport, persuasion, selling and teaching, and is very useful if you run your own business.
'Super Psychic Readings' is the best, most versatile system ever devised for giving so-called 'psychic readings', although I call them 'personal' readings. It's a way to give anyone literally any kind of reading you want (tarot, palm, astrological... literally any type of reading). It's a great skill to have even if you don't want to give readings as such.